Friday, 24 January 2014



Guarda fuori e'gia'mattina Look outside: its morning
Questo e'un giorno che ricorderai
This is a day you'll remember
Alzati in fretta e vai
Hurry, get up and go
C' chi crede in te
There are those who believe in you
Non ti arrendere
Don't give up

Once in every life there comes a time
We walk out all alone and into the light
The moment won't last but then
We remember it again when we close our eyes

Like stars across the sky
E per avvincere, tu dovrai vincere
And in order to shine, You will have to win
We were born to shine
All of us here because we believe

Guarda avanti e non voltarti mai Look ahead and never turn your back
Accarezza con i sogni tuoi
On the caress of your dreams,
Le tue speranze e poi
Your hopes and then
Verso il giorno che verra
Turn towards the day that will be
C' un traguardo la  
There is a finish line there  ,   (to reff)

Non arrenderti Don't give up
Qualcuno con te
Someone is with you

Like stars across the sky
We were born to shine
E per avvincere dovrai vincere
E allora vincerai